Our lives just got a bit more hectic...Jason became the high school girls basketball coach as of about 5:00 p.m. Saturday! WOW! To put it succinctly, the former coach is unable to continue, and Jason is now the man. Jason is nervous, excited, stressed, and experiencing about every other emotion you can name. His first game as coach is not next week, Friday, or even Thursday. It's tomorrow! Yikes! We'll keep you posted.
Since Jason is Passionate (with a capital P) about basketball, he will hopefully be able to convey his love of the game to his girls! They have some major teambuilding to do. I don't think he slept at all Saturday night, but last night was much better after he held a team meeting, met with parents, and got to work with the girls for a while.
Paige had another game tonight. They played an excellent team with a seemingly endless bench. We lost, but Paige played her heart out. She ended up with 12 points and some work to do on freethrows. :) Paige's team has 7 players (sometimes 8), and degrees of talent and dedication vary, as with any 7th grade girls team! So, she plays again tomorrow and again on Thursday. What a week-and that's just basketball!
Back in Austria and Back to School
10 months ago
Oh...my...gosh! That is so awesome! How did the game turn out?!?! Coach Wells. That is the best ever! So does this really mean we're not in high school anymore? Thanks for bringing me back to reality, Jason.
I know-can you believe it?? Take a guess who the assistant is. Lou B., of course! What would WCHS Girls Basketball be without her?
The h.s. girls team won last night. Jason was pleased. Friday night they face a team with a 6-1 record. Yow-za!
Paige's team won last night, also. She had a double-double: 10 points, 17 rebounds.
So, do you get to ride the bus with Jason and braid the girls' hair? You guys are going to have fun. Tell Jason I said, good luck, and ask him to try to throw a few chairs to make a "name" for himself.
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