Hello, all! I keep thinking that I should update my blog, but have been too busy (or lazy) to do so! Here's a quick update on The Wells Family in Kansas:
Starting with the youngest first....
Lane is busy with being a 7-year-old boy! He lost a few more teeth and is still sporting a big hole in his grin. Unfortunately, it looks like he will follow in Paige's footsteps and will need braces in a few years.
Lane's biggest passion right now is his Lego collection. Guess what arrived in the mail at our house about two weeks after Christmas? That's right-a Lego catalog. Well, I must agree that there are some pretty cool Lego kits out there, but did we really need that temptation right after Christmas? NO!
But..... Lane counted his money, worked to earn some more, and ordered a house from the catalog. Every day after school, he would beg me to go home "right away" so that he could see if it had arrived. Every day....no Lego box. Finally, we received a letter saying that his house was backordered until April 22!!! Bummer! Lane was very disappointed, but he decided that he could wait that long.
Also, Lane has found a couple of good buddies at school and they spend their recess time looking for alien footprints and scanning the sky for "the mother ship." Don't ask.
Paige is finished with basketball. Her team ended with a record of 8-3. They lost their first game in the tournament, so that cut the season a little short. Now she is in quiz bowl and is looking forward to the track season (which will mean the start of cold, windy days and hot, windy days).
Good news: Paige gets her braces off near the end of March! Whoo hoo! She's excited!
Jason is still coaching girls' basketball. Their record stinks, but he feels that he is making progress with the girls. It's been tough. The coach (who started the season) is very, very ill and everyone is concerned about his health. His situation is extremely sad, and it's been hard on the school community, too.
I am now "coaching" junior high quiz bowl. I have lots of fun-I know I'm a nerd, but that's okay with me! So, on the nights that there isn't a basketball game, I usually have quiz bowl. We'll be lucky if we eat one meal a week at home this month! March will be much less hectic.
I did order My Utmost for His Highest and have started it. I honestly haven't devoted much time to it lately, so I'm not sure what I think yet.
I also attempted to begin training for a 10K or a Half-Marathon. I didn't commit, because I wasn't sure that I would have time for the training. I did really well the first two weeks and managed to run 6 miles in less time than was on my schedule. But (you knew this was coming), last week I didn't get my long run in. I don't want to give up yet, but I think that I might have to plan on some sort of race in the fall. We'll see. Maybe if I post this, then I'll feel more obligated to stick to my guns! I really need someone to run with. Any takers? Long runs are on Sundays. Come join me-it would be so much more fun with a partner! I'm not Speedy Gonzales or anything, so don't plan on winning any races.
Okay, so this turned into a long blog. Looking forward to your comments.......
1 month ago
Hello! First of all, you are looking in the wrong place for a running partner, you know. Ha! I did shovel off the loooong driveway and sidewalks yesterday after six more inches of snow. That's about the extent of my physical activity this time of year. My fingers are in excellent shape though - lots of typing! Second, there is NOTHING geeky at all about scholar bowl. It's a lot of fun! I'd love to help out with it when Aubrey's old enough. Maybe next year. Finally, I think they make a lego set of space aliens. Just in case you needed an idea for Valentine's Day for Lane!
I'm going to have to pass on the running idea....but yeahhhhhhh...thanks anyways. Life sounds fun around your house. Lane sounds like a bundle of personality. I love to hear what he is thinking up.
It's time for an update or witty comment from the Yanks up in KS.
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