Well. I seem to have skipped the month of May entirely here on the blog. So, I'll give you all a quick update (and try to post some pictures at another date-hopefully sooner than July!).
Paige finished the track season with two PR's at the league track meet. She placed second in both the 800 & 1600 meter runs. She was very pleased with her times. She finished out her seventh-grade year with a music festival & awards assembly. This summer she is in swim team. She didn't want to go out for swim team this year, but it is wonderful exercise for her shoulder, so she didn't have a choice. K-State basketball camp is on the 15th, and this week she is a helper at VBS.
Lane had a great year in first grade. He loved his teacher and his classmates. He got to go on a few field trips and do some other fun things to end the school year. He also received a Creative Writing Award and an Art Award at the awards assembly.
Lane is also out for swim team. Reluctantly, too. However, he is doing really well, and is going to compete next Saturday at our home meet. He is already a better swimmer than me! He is also playing baseball this summer and is very excited.
Lane's reading skills really took off this year. One night he couldn't sleep, and I found him crouched by his closet light door reading in the dim light. His ceiling fan was on, so he couldn't turn on the overhead light. Anyway, he was reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to himself! If you aren't familiar with that book, it is about a fifth-grade level story, so I was impressed. Lane's current interests? Scotland, Ireland, Germany, ancestry, bagpipes, accordians, and, of course, garbage trucks!
Jason is busy with open gym for the basketball teams & keeping the basketball girls busy this summer with summer ball & conditioning. He's also trying to get field work done and start thinking about harvest.
Jason is on the park/recreation dept. board, and they have had a change in the director over the last month, so he has spent A LOT of time at meetings, at the swimming pool, ball fields, park, etc. Whew. They hired a new guy who is enthusiastic about new programs, etc, so everything is looking up!
I've been catching up with laundry, summer projects around the house, and other fun stuff like that. I have about two more weeks before I can get in my classroom, so that gives me time to do things around here. Oh, yeah. I also read two books in the last week. Time to start a new one!
1 month ago
Hello! You do exist :) Now we just need some pictures from the DC trip, hint, hint.
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