I was trying to come up with something interesting to post. As you can see from the title of this entry, I was not successful! Where has the time gone? Specifically 2008! I feel like the past two weeks have been a blur of school, appointments, basketball games, laundry, and windshield time! Not to worry, though. Tonight I arrived home at about 6:30 p.m., cleaned the basement, did one load of laundry, and watched some tv! It's been great!
Don't get me wrong, I like to do all of the things I do, I truly don't feel overcommitted right now, and I do get to spend quite a lot of time with my family. But I can't say that I've ever felt relaxed and unstressed (destressed?? not sure what prefix is correct) at any time over the last 16 days.
What to do about it? I don't know. Quit my job maybe? Nah, I would enjoy staying home for awhile, but I really like to get out into the community, not to mention the paycheck! I've been trying to go to bed earlier, I eat right, I exercise regularly, and I .....perhaps I've discovered my problem!
Before Christmas and the new year, I was devoted to spending time in God's word. Our church read through the New Testament as a congregation, and I kept up with the daily readings. Since we have completed the New Testament I've been reading my Bible only sporadically. In 2007, I didn't always get the reading in in the morning, but I would double up the next day and be back on track. In addition, I had fresh "food for thought" each day as I was on the treadmill, driving to another school district, or going about my day. I don't have that now, and I can see that I need it! Don't we all?
Here's where I need some help: any suggestions for a short daily devotion that requires Scripture reading in addition to a short message from the author? I'm talking 10-15 minutes max, people! I have to be realistic. :) All recommendations are appreciated! Thanks for your help.
4 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing, Gwen. I don't even have kids, and 15 minutes seems like a mountain to hurdle! :) Let me know if you hear of anything good. I'd love a little help there as well!
I'll throw in my two-cents worth on this, Gwen. First of all, I applaud you for looking at all that's going on and recognizing the need for that time with God. After all the years I've been working at this, I still struggle with consistency and having a meaningful time (not just checking it off the to-do list!). Right now, I'm in a women's study on the Patriarchs in Genesis so I have some daily study time that I try to use as a springboard for a bit of quiet time, but it's still hard to "listen" and not just "do".
If you want to do anything online, just google Christian daily devotional, and you'll get a lot of hits. A few good ones are "Today in the Word", "Our Daily Bread", crosswalk.com, and others.
If you prefer the printed word, many of these can be ordered in monthly/bimonthly magazine form, or a couple of good, ol' faithful ones are "Streams in the Desert" and "My Utmost for His Highest". There are lots of options if you get to a Christian bookstore or look at some at christianbook.com online.
Enough said, I think. I'll be praying you find something that feeds your spirit, and you can pray for me to be faithful, too!
I'm right there with ya, sista! I read "The One Year Bible." In about 15 minutes you get some OT, NT, a Psalm, and a Proverb. No commentary, so that might not be what you are looking for. I also like "My Utmost for His Highest." That is more commentary than Bible, though. Do you have an IPOD? the One Year Bible has a daily podcast too. Go to
It is nararated and commented on by Tom Dooley. I love listening to it at home when I am folding laundry or driving in my car.
Let me know what you find.
Hmmmm. I wish I could say that I have the answer, but..... I'm definitely not the best at a consistent schedule of Bible study. That said, I do have a couple of ideas for you:
As Aunt Jo and SAHM Queen mentioned, I LOVED Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest in the modern language version. In fact, I have it on my desk so I can read it while waiting for tax returns to spit out! (I also read blogs then :) ) It sounds like your downtime is in the car though, so maybe you shouldn't be reading while driving. I don't know if it comes on CD or not. Might be worth checking out.
Second, our Pastor has recently created a website that has his sermons in an MPG format and some daily devotional material. We really, really, really get alot out of his sermons, I bet you would like them. You could load them on your ipod and listen while you exercise! The website is www.crosseyedlife.com
Finally, I am in a Bible Study that just started on 1st Thessalonians. It's kind of a lot of homework, but I'd be glad to send you the book and you could work along with us! Let me know.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It sounds like "My Utmost for His Highest" is a must-read. I will definitely check into it! I need to do some birthday shopping, so when I am on cbd.com, I'll look for that book as well as my other purchases.
I like the online ideas, too. You know how easy it is to spend/waste 30 minutes online just browsing around!? Well, maybe if I add one of your suggestions, Aunt Jo, to my favorites, I'll be reminded to visit that site, also.
Thanks again, all! I knew you'd come through for me!
Oops! One more question: Jen, is your pastor the one that I heard when the kids and I visited in September? Cuz, if he is, I loved that sermon! I went home and read Job. I had never realized (or had it pointed out) what God was telling Job in those passages!
Yep, that's the guy. If you go to the website www.crosseyedlife.com his sermons are along the left sidebar. The series we just finished is called "The Family Business", and is about how we portray God in our lives to others in our family, in our church, and to strangers. Really enjoyed it!
Just wondering what devotionals you found, and how you are doing.
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